The Own Your Destiny Financial Fitness Assessment
Welcome and congratulations on taking your first step toward greater financial wellness.
Millions of women have complicated feelings about their money, so please know that if you feel less than financially wonderful, you have a LOT of company. I created this financial fitness assessment to help you identify your pain points and your overall feelings about your money life. In just five minutes you will :
- Where you are on the path toward the financial life you want
- What areas where you need to take action to feel more secure and successful financially
Notice what pops into your head as soon as you read the questions. Those quick, instinctive thoughts can give you important insight into what may be really driving your money beliefs, behavior and attitudes. There are no wrong answers – and no one will judge you for your responses, least of all me. Once you complete your assessment, check your inbox for your results. I know you will get valuable insights from this simple tool.